Or was that a Shiver Of Fear? (See what I did there?) Roxanne St. Claire's latest romantic suspense hits the shelves today!
The legacy that haunts her . . .
The mystery she must solve . . .
A man who threatens to reveal her secrets . . .
and break her heart.
Burned by a failed marriage, former FBI agent Marc Rossi wants back in the investigation game with no emotional strings attached. Taking an assignment for his enterprising Angelino cousins, he heads to Northern Ireland to pry a key piece of evidence from a missing socialite-any way he can. But when the ice queen turns out to be warm, beautiful, and on a secret mission of her own, the job becomes a passionate reminder of what happens when duty and desire mix. The daughter of an infamous fugitive, Devyn Sterling has survived betrayal only to find that her mother has mysteriously disappeared. When her search uncovers secrets, lies, and threats, Devyn and Marc must trust each other when every instinct says they can't . . . and a terrorist wants to make sure they won't live to try.
Get your copy today!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Are you feeling cold?
Monday, March 28, 2011
I know Petite Lap Giraffes are not real. That does not stop me from wanting one. Or watching their live cam.
Addiction, I has it. Seriously, what's the legal limit for cuteness? Because I think the PLG's have crossed it.
I really need one of these. Really. I'm sure it would not only entertain me, but somehow make me a better writer.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
I'm rooting for you!
For all those of you sitting by your phone today, waiting on the edge of your seat for the call that will tell you you've finaled in either the Golden Heart or the RITA, I'm rooting for you.
I've been there (2 x GH finalist) and I know how you feel! Now, good luck and let the games begin!
You can keep track of the finalists as the notifications come in here.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dark Kiss Of The Reaper
I have a new book out today! Dark Kiss of the Reaper is a dark paranormal romance. Here's the 411:
The Angel of Death has a name: Azrael. He also has a purpose - to soothe the souls of the suffering into the peaceful passage of the afterlife. But in his twilight existence, Azrael himself has never known peace or pleasure...
Until he meets Sara, the first mortal who can somehow see him in his Reaper form. Charming and spirited despite bearing her own burdens, she intoxicates him with the pleasures of life, even taming his brutal dark side with her fearlessness. But Azrael’s new happiness is short-lived when he realizes Sara’s health is fading. The bright flame of her life is about to be blown out.
And he’s to blame.
Where to buy:
I hope y'all like it! Isn't the cover gorgeous? (Mad thanks to Kim Killion for that!) If you check it out, let me know what you think!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Looking for a fun read?
I just finished Kristan Higgins latest, My One and Only. I've been a fan of her work since I started reading her a few years ago - the quirky characters, the ever-present pet, the bumbling ex, the family members in need, the small town that becomes a character itself - I know what I'm getting when I pick up one of her books, but she always manages to reinvent her standards in a new and interesting way.
My One and Only is no exception and probably the freshest of her books that I've read (and I've read them all.) Without fail, she writes a book that will entertain. I could see where this one might even make you cry. (It didn't me, but then I have a heart made of titanium.)
If I were the ratings type, I'd give this a five out of five. If you're looking for a fun contemporary read or have a thing for reunion stories, give this one a try.
Next up: Maria Geraci's The Boyfriend of the Month Club - already started it and loving it!
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Coolness!
Some days in your life are just officially cooler than others. Today is one of those days. Why, you ask? (And I'm so glad you did.) Because I discovered something over the weekend.
My gothic urban fantasy series? The one that's coming out from Orbit this fall? It's now officially available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes&Noble. B&N only has the first book listed, but I'm sure the others will be along shortly.
Here they are, if you want to, you know, pre-order them. *winkwink*
Blood Rights
Flesh And Blood
Bad Blood
Blood Rights
No, the covers aren't available yet. I really, really wish I could share the first cover with you, but I can't yet. I promise, it's like nothing you've seen before. As soon as I can, I'll show it to you. Until then, trust me when I say it's worth the wait.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
I'm chicken
I'm over at Fictionistas today, asking for help making a decision. Come give your input!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Win an Ereader!
Camryn Rhys and Rebecca Lynn are running a contest in keeping with all the March Madness going on - it's an author bracket! And guess who has two books in the running? If you said me, you'd be right. You did say me, didn't you?
Check it out here , read the details and get yourself entered! By entered, I mean you've picked Miss Bramble And The Leviathan and The Perfect Dish to win.AND if either of my books wins the whole shooting match, I'll give a ecopy of BOTH books to the contest winner!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Great Giveaway
We've got an awesome giveaway going on over the Romance Divas blog today - if you love books and flowers, head over HERE and leave a comment to enter yourself in the giveaway. You could win a copy of Faking It by Elisa Lorello AND a dozen roses! Isn't that cool? I love having fresh flowers in the house and I love free books. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. ;o)
Check it out!
Monday, March 14, 2011
You better THINK!
Too many people believe that the internet is a place where you can say whatever you want, regardless of how cruel or untrue it might be. Flame wars break out on a daily basis. Rumors get scooped up and spread like gospel. Individuals are vilified before facts are verified. As an author, we're public figures. Sure, not to the extent of actors or politicians maybe, but we're still out there.
The next time I start to post something that's more than just a daily observation on life or an update on the mad behaviors of my feline staff, I'm going to run the content through this checklist:
T - Truthful
H - Helpful
I - Inspiring
N - Necessary
K - Kind
Can you imagine how much nicer the world in general would be if everyone decided to THINK before they spoke?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Yep, That's My Book
I recently found out that The Perfect Dish was nominated for Best in Paranormal Romance for 2010 at The Romance Reviews which is pretty cool considering this is one of my self-published books.
Here's the thing - I could use some votes now. I hate to ask, but not as much as I'd hate not getting any votes, know what I mean?
So if you're inclined to help me out, go HERE, then scroll down to the Paranormal Romance category and vote for The Perfect Dish. Yes, you have to register which is a pain in the butt, but it's a simple process AND I'd do it for you. And probably have. Just saying.
Go vote. Please?
Also, if you've never read The Perfect Dish, you can get your own copy via the sidelinks there --->
Monday, March 07, 2011
Learning to Bounce
The late cowboy star, Gene Autry, said life isn't about how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
For the business of writing, truer words could not be spoken. A writer's life is often a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. You final in a contest, then get your results back to find the one judge who kept you from winning hated your heroine. You get a call from an editor who asks you to do revisions, only to have them ultimately pass on the work. You sell your first book, but can't get a contract on a second no matter what you propose. Readers love your new series, then your publisher cancels it.
This is the writing life. We rise and fall every day, probably more so now with the uncertainty of the industry and the ever-changing publishing landscape than ever before. Many authors I know are having to re-invent themselves or seek new ways of publishing their work.
They're learning to bounce. Because the writer who falls and doesn't get back up is the writer who will get left behind, who will disappear, whose career will be over.
So no matter where you are in your path, learn to be resilient. Don't let one person's opinion keep you down.
Get out there and bounce.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
I want your input!
I'm over at the Fictionistas today asking what makes you a reader. Come on over and chime in! I'd love to see if there's a common thread.