Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Revision Hang-ups

I did a lot of revision on my WIP yesterday in prep for new writing today (did 2 pages of new writing yesterday too, but today is the big push.) Why so much revision before the new words, you ask? Let me tell you: I'm not a forward thinker until the past makes sense.

I can't suddenly change a character's motivation and write it that way from page 134 on knowing that from pages 1 to 133, he's thinking something completely different. I have to change it from the beginning. It's just me. It's just how I work. I know a lot of writers that don't worry about that kind of stuff until the final polish, but I worry that I'd get lost.

As a result, every time I change something or add a layer of detail, I have to go back through the manuscript and make the whole thing work. Not saying I do it with a fine tooth comb, but I hit the big spots, realign what I can. Does this cost me time? Yes. Does it preserve my writing sanity? Yes. And I get happier about the book with every subtle new thing that gets done.

That's my revision hang-up. What's yours?


  1. I don't really know mine, but I hear you on that one. It makes perfect sense to me and I think must make for a better story. I do some of that too. Even small changes I have to go and and make right then and there all the way through or I'm afraid I'll forget them.

  2. I'm sort of the same way. I have to make sure my beginning jives and everything fits together just so before I can move forward. I think that's why I'm such a slooooooow writer.

  3. I completely understand that, although I try to strike a balance between things that I can push ahead and worry about later, and things I have to change RIGHT NOW to make any sense of what I'm writing next. For instance, in the middle of my last book I realized that I'd set it in entirely the wrong season. From that point on, I switched to fall, and went back and changed the beginning when it was finished. It was a small enough detail that it didn't substantially shake the foundation of the story. But some stuff? Oh yeah, just stop everything and revise now because you're not going anywhere until it's done.

  4. Same as yours. I'm trying this outline thing-fully. It hurts.

  5. Every time I try to write, I always get hung-up in the same place - right after "Once upon a time..."

    It's like a mental block or something.

  6. I think you're right in that you gotta do what works for you. Personally, I try to push through the first draft with very little revising (but lots of notes to myself all the way through). I think because the first draft is so tough for me; I just have to get to the end. Good luck with your writing today!

  7. I have the same hangup. If I make a major change halfway through I have to go back and fix it. Can't go forward without doing that first. In fact, I always like to read over what I wrote the day before and then continue on. Gotta get back into it...

  8. One of my characters is causing trouble for me right now. I have to figure out a way to add him to a previous scene to make the current one work, but he's just not cooperating. The whole nanowrimo challenge has been left on the back burner and cooked to a pile of sludge thanks to the hunk in this story. I guess my hang-up is pretty much the same because I am not able to move forward at this point.

  9. Actually, I do the same thing. LOL though, my revision hang-up is when I go back to fix things I suddenly want to add more to a scene. And then I start getting confused about what's new, what I added, what I thought about adding and didn't, LOL. That's why my rough drafts are very ... rough. Not really something to laugh about. *snort*

  10. I've always made small changes, etc. as I go, but currently I'm going back and adding a completely new thread of conflict btwn the H/h, which has changed the entire course of the story. I'm like you though, I like to make changes as I go or I get confused. Wish I'd realized I wanted these changes a couple months ago. Blech. Now I'm in revision hell. I think the way you're doing it is the smart way!!

  11. I don't have anything to add but I wanted to say I'm looking at your website right now and it's very nice!! (I just noticed the link on the right)

  12. :hugs: I think we're going through the same thing. But I've decided to forge ahead with the story. As it stands at the moment, the problems are so many and so huge, if I started revising I'd get discouraged and never finish the darn thing.
