Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hot Fantasy Heroes
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
It's Getting Hot In Here
We've been talking about sexual tension on my chapter loop lately. Ah, sexual tension. That all important X factor that puts the sizzle in a story. What is it? How do you create it? What makes it work?
Several of our pubbed authors (Leslie Kelly and Roxanne St. Claire) posted excepts that left the loop smoking! Need an example of sexual tension? Pick up one of their books!
Here are some links to articles on the subject:
This is a podcast:
So how do you create sexual tension between your hero and heroine? Do you have a favorite way of doing it? Who are some authors that have mastered the technique? Talk to me!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
True Marketing Errors
Below are some funny examples of what happens when advertising translations miss the mark. Enjoy!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday To Do's
The start of a new week always puts me in a "to do list" state of mind. Not that I'll get it all done, because something always crops up. Here's what I've got on tap for today, for writing and life:
Friday, January 25, 2008
A friend of mine and agency sistah, Maria Geraci, just sold! Her book, Church Of Bunco, is going to be a smash, I just know it! Way to go, Maria! (Deidre Knight, her agent, is pretty fab too!)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Project 501
I haven't done a Project Runway wrap up in a while due to the holidays, but it's time to get back to it!
Last night's show was decent, if not a touch snooze-inducing. Just when you thought Chris (the hefty costume designing drag queen) and Christian (the little anime twit come to life) were going to get into it, they don't. Bo-ring! Although Chris's comment that someone needed to give Christian a bottle and put him to bed was classic! I like Chris more all the time, even when his designs are not so fabulous.
Last night's challenge was sponsor by Levi's. Let's recap the outfits, shall we? Sweet P did this number originally as a wedding dress. I swear, that girl needs to get her head off the commune. A patchwork denim wedding dress? Yikes. Anyway, she wisely took Tim Gunn's advice and shortened it. Now? Very wearable. So cute for summer, don't you think?
This is Jillian's coat. Shocker, I know, since she just did a coat last week. That coat was crave-able, this coat? Looks like a bad 4-H sewing club project. (Not that my denim book bag looked anything like this coat, but it might have if my mother hadn't made me stick to the pattern.)
Christian can't stop calling the clothes he designs "fierce." Is this fierce? Well, I guess if making your crotch look square, your torso boxy and your shoulders Dynasty-licious is fierce, then it works. Otherwise, this is a no for me.
Chris was so close with this one. If only he'd done something different with that neck wrapping bit and fixed the frayed seams. Christian, take note - see those shoes? That's what fierce looks like.
Ricky won this week! Which of course meant we had to watch him cry about 12 times. I'm really over his tears and his hats. However, this outfit rocks. Hard. He even styled it well, channeling a little pre-crack Amy Winehouse with the hair and make-up. Nicely done, Mr. Tammie Faye of the fashion world.
Once again, Rami pulls off an impeccable garment. Actually, he could sew burlap sacks into bicycle shorts and I'd be happy so long as I got to look at him. He's a delicious dish, that Rami.
And, the snoozer - I mean, loser. Victoria made herself a coat to go home in, because that's exactly where this trench coat mess took her. Gosh, Victoria! I thought you had so much more potential. But this? Yuck.
Would you wear any of these? I would!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Not My Usual Subject
I'm in love with a candle. I know, this is kind of an odd topic for a writer's blog, but lately, I've been burning this vanilla lime Yankee jar candle while I work and I swear the scent of it helps me work better. Am I nuts?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Fabulous Auction!
Charity Silent Auction on Romantic Inks
Did Santa leave you cold? Romantic Inks has just the thing to warm you up!
RI is going to help send some lucky aspiring author to the 2008 RWA Conference and we’re looking for your support! For our Silent Auction we’re offering fabulous books including books from many genres, critiques from authors who will make your toes curl, web designs and even promotional space. Take a look at the list we have…
Romantic Inks Auction
Bidding begins January 20th! Check it out, blog readers. There's some good stuff to be had for not a lot of cash.
Monday, Monday...
It's been chillyish in FL lately. And by chillyish, I mean I wore my fabulous (faux) fur to church last night. Yeah, that cold. Today I'm making soup - a lovely chicken & barley stew to get me through the week. I love soup (and chili)! Not only does the house smell great, but it's good for you. I could eat soup every day. Sometimes, I do.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
What's Your Pleasure?
Today's burning question is for you, the blog reader. (Which is basically all of us.) What topics interest you most when you're blog hopping?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Five Servings A Day
Since the start of the new year, Hotrod and I have been really trying to eat better. Yeah, I know a lot of people make that a resolution, but we've really been doing it. Of course, I'm doing all the cooking. Shocker.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Fun, Writerly, Stuff
Monday, January 14, 2008
Tag, I'm It
Maria tagged me, so here goes:
The rules:
Link to the person who tagged you;
Leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours;Post the rules on your blog;
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog;
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post;
Include links to their blogs;Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Random Facts About Kristen Painter:
1. Kristen Painter can start a fire using only water.
2. Kristen Painter knows Victoria's Secret but has promised not to tell.
3. Catwoman wears Kristen Painter pajamas.
4. Kristen Painter once won a game of Connect Four in three moves.
5. Kristen Painter is the leading cause of lesbianism.
6. Kristen Painter can divide by zero, but chooses not to.
7. If Kristen Painter was Santa, all good girls would get diamond-crusted shoes under the tree.
8. Kristen Painter is the reason Waldo is hiding.
9. If you spell Kristen Painter in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
10. When Kristen Painter was a baby, she took candy from adults.
I tag: Mel, Louisa, Deidre, Lucinda, Erica, Maria, Sela
A Writer's Work Is Never Done
How often have you discovered that even when you think you're done with a story, you're not?
For me, this seems like a constant. Guess I should just figure I'm never really done with a story. Recently I revised 115 pages in two different books, then edited a 29 page synopsis down to 8 pages. (The first version was a originally single-spaced, which is why it went to 29 pages when double-spaced.)
What have you worked on recently?
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dinner, Anyone?
In my defense, I had not been in the kitchen in some time when I walked in and found this beast on my range. I think Scooter has some secret weird desire to become dinner. Besides laying on the range, he also cries to get into the oven. We have a double oven, you can see it there on the side. He'll sit in front of the bottom one, pawing at it and mewling until you open the door and let him get in.
I love my furbaby, even if he is a little mental. And if you come for dinner, I promise to clean.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Madam President, Get Real
According to several sources, like the AP and this one, RWA president Sherry Lewis doesn't think Cassie Edward's plagiarism is "clear-cut" and that concerning the whole issue about whether or not CE's plagiarism is actually plagiarism, Ms. Lewis says, "...I’m not qualified to make that assertion.”
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Now That's An Author Photo
The author of “Yakuza Moon,” a best-selling memoir just out in English, the 39-year-old Tendo says that police efforts to eradicate the gangsters have merely made them harder to track.
“The more the police push, the more the yakuza are simply going underground, making their activities harder to follow than they ever were before,” she told Reuters in a recent interview.
Police say full-fledged membership in yakuza groups fell to 41,500 last year, down from 43,000 in 2005, a decline they attribute to tighter laws against organized crime.
“They’re being forced into a corner, their humanity taken away,” she said. “All the things they used to do for a living have been made illegal, so life has become very hard.”
Being a gang member is not illegal in Japan, and until recently the gangs were known for openness. Their offices even posted signs with their names and membership lists inside.
Gangs cooperated with police, handing over suspects in return for police turning a blind eye to yakuza misdemeanors, but this broke down after organized crime laws were toughened in 1992.
Read more at Reuters article “Gangster daughter sheds light on Japan underworld” (Image from Reuters)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Blog Round Up
The ongoing debate about an agent also being an author, by a former Berkley editor.
An agent's take on what not to do in a query.
More from another agent on queries, email vs. snail mail.
Monday, January 07, 2008
2 Down, 48 To Go
I'm sick with a cold that doesn't want to leave, which sucks, but on the bright side, it's given me a lot of time to read. As a result, I've finished The Life of Pi and another book, A Thousand Splendid Suns, the follow-up book to The Kite Runner.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Reading In The New Year
The holiday season brought me a grand total of approx. 22 new books. They weren't all presents - some were won in contests, some came from publishers seeking reviews, one was borrowed from my Dad.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Back To Reality
Okay, it's official, the holidays are over.
Life - writing, blogging, dieting and such - begins again tomorrow morning.