Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is what I see lately when I look out my back windows. I know, you're jealous you don't live in Florida too...


  1. I AM jealous! Gators 'n all. I've been trying to get to FL for years and would go tomorrow except my sweet brother and his wife can't go yet and I refuse to be separated from him again. (which answers yesterday's question about siblings & closeness.) But I am only a 4-hour drive from the state line so it's not so bad... I go often.

  2. Umm, how big is it? Can you tell? Your kitties don't go outside do they? YIKES! Very cool though.

  3. Ack! He's a whopper. I was watching Animal Cops Miami the other day and the gator guy said something like there are over a million alligators in FL now. :shudder:

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    i don't know why I have such an fascination with gators but I do...but from a distance!

    so, does he have a name yet?

  5. Did that gator eat your cat. Wait that sounds bad. I mean the cat you normally post pics of on Saturday.

  6. We got lots of 'em here in Louisiana too. :)

  7. LOL I do live in Florida but I'm crossing my fingers I don't see that. *shudder*
    Actually, we have them up in our river but thank goodness they stay in the shadows.
