Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oh, What A Feeling!

I think writing is a lot like happiness in this quote. If you push at a story too much, you can end up frustrated and magic-less. But if you give yourself over to the story, stop thinking so much and just let it unfold, you can get some great stuff.

That's what's been happening for me this week. Monday was a frustrating writing day, so I futzed around and got little accomplished. Tuesday, I told myself to get over it and just tell the story. To stop worrying if it was brilliant. Who cares if it's brilliant if there's nothing on the page!

Then the writing came. And man, that's the best feeling in the world.

It's so good to be writing again!


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I have the hardest time turning off the internal editor and just writing the damn story! Glad you figured out how to do it.

  2. Yay for getting the writing back. =o)

  3. The amazing Kristen is at it again!

  4. Good for you!!! I've been futzing around too this week. Finally had a strike of inspiration last night and stayed up til 1 a.m. doing research! Finally excited about my new project. :)

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    You go, Kristen! :)

  6. That is a fantastic quote. I forgot about that one.

  7. I've never heard this quote, but I LOVE it! Woohoo on the writing. :-)

  8. Glad you are feeling the mood!

  9. That's awesome!
    I have not written a word since summer began. :(

  10. Anonymous10:27 PM

    This is my biggest problem since I started writing again. I am constantly afraid of what other people will think of it instead of being true to myself.
