Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Chugging Along...

I've been taking a slow but steady ride on the progress train lately. It's good, but frustrating.

See, I like to go fast, but the progress train is no Ferrari. Am I getting where I need to go? Yes, but not fast enough.

I'm doing well pushing toward the end of my WIP, but I want it done already!

I'm struggling to keep up with working out daily, but I'm getting a decent workout in at least 5 days a week. Of course, that means I'm not losing weight as fast as I'd like either.

Why are we such an instant gratification society? Why don't I have more patience? What things do you wish would happen faster?


  1. Um, well, I dearly wish this Seussical thing would write itself, but it isn't. I wish cleaning my house took less time. I wish there more hours in the day. I wish...
    I could go on and on but you get my drift;)

  2. I want summer to come already and I want to be finished with my wip now or at least nearing the end, too.

  3. It's starts with an O.

    I get antsy for the endings of my stories too. It'll come though! Good for you for being consistent and outputting something.

  4. So many things I can't list them here but my writing for sure. Good luck. I know your slow and steady will win the race.

  5. We're on the same page with exactly what we wish would happen faster: end of book and goal weight. Unfortunately, we are not on the same page of our current works in progress--you're waaaay ahead of me!

  6. Right now, I wish my cold would go away fast.

    Thant and spring break to end. Kids out of school for five days is way freakin' too long.

  7. Patience, m'dear. I am dragging on pages but at least I'm writing them! :)

  8. I wish the writing would go faster too. It seems the older I get the less patience I have. I'd give anything to slow down and not let it bother me.

  9. I know how you feel. I wish my WIP was finished yesterday, but I still have 300 pages to go. UGH. This is a rewrite, so I think that makes everything more painful. It was finished.

    As a stay-at-home mom of twins, I don't have a lot of time to write, so it's going to be a while before I can type "The End". Oh, well. My time will come.

    Lynnette Labelle

  10. Actually, I wish things would slow down a little. Not enough time in the day.
