Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekly Goals

Monday always brings to mind my goals for the week. As you know, I believe goals are super important and ultimately, the keys to success. I tend to keep a floating list of them near my computer for quick reference. Unaccomplished goals from last week get transferred to the new list and new goals get added.

So far for this week I have:

1. Write 30 pages minimum
2. Start newsletter article
3. Organize thoughts on using social media as an unpubbed and pubbed author

Then there are all the non-writing things, like laundry, cleaning, groceries, etc. My favorite part of my goals list is crossing them off.

What's on your list of weekly goals?


  1. You're more on the ball than I am. I don't keep a list of goals. I'm just happy when I can get something writerly done every day and the house doesn't look like a tornado went through. Goal for today: Survive. ;o)

  2. I haven't written a list for this week. My main goal - writing! Oh yeah and laundry. :)

  3. I love crossing stuff off my list. It makes me feel accomplished :) My list is simple this week since I'll be going out of town in a couple days. Write 5K, buy a new dress (yes, that's on my list!), and put up all laundry and dishes before leaving ;)

  4. You're right, thank you for the reminder.
    *sigh* I need to get back into the gym, I took a break due to being sick. But no more excuses. Oooh - but happy hour! YAY!

  5. You're so good with your goals! I keep things written in my little desk calendar, but need to be better about noting the long-term stuff.

  6. Very good list. I need to get back to lists. I have not done that in a while.
