Friday, July 16, 2010

RWA Nationals

RWA's 2010 National Conference is little more than a week away. I'm excited to go as this year will hold three new firsts for me.

1. I'll be signing for the first time at the Literacy Signing! Stop by and say hi if you're there.

2. I'll be speaking on a panel about Digital Publishing for the Print Published Author with Shiloh Walker, Tessa Dare and Lindsey Faber (Samhain editor). It takes place Saturday, July 31st at 3:15 in Asia 5, so mark your calendars!

3. I'm a door prize! Part of the PRO retreat includes giving away lunches with published authors in particular genres. I'm the paranormal/UF door prize. (I wonder if I should wear a bow?)

Other than that, I have a myriad of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and gatherings to attend. It'll be a busy, busy week, but seeing all my writing friends, getting to network and filling up on writerly information is so worth it. There's really nothing like Nationals. Will you be there this year?


  1. Oh I wish I was going!! It sounds like you will have an awesome time!!

  2. My flight in is late on Wednesday, so I'll probably miss the signing. Poo! But I will be at the Pro Retreat. But alas, I don't write paranormal/UF. Double Poo.

    Maybe I can squeak into your schedule anyway.
    I'll be the one in foolish shoes, with swollen feet and a baby on board sticker on my rump.

  3. I'll be there! Can't wait to see you. :)

  4. I'm going. Can't wait to see you.

  5. I'll be there and I can't wait!!
