Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Six Degrees of (Blog) Separation

Do you blog hop? If so, how do you do it? Randomly or with thought? Do you hit the same blogs all the time? Try to find new ones? What brings you back to a certain blog time after time?

I spent some time this morning blog surfing based on the commentors on other blogs. In other words, I started at one blog, left a comment, then picked one of the other commentors and hopped to their blog and so on. I love finding new blogs and leaving a comment.

So, how do you do it?


  1. I always check out my commenters blogs...and I always check out the commenters on the blogs I read. I also go through the blogroll of the blogs I read. That's how I found Jill Monroe and Jana Hanson.

  2. I click on commenters, it takes me to new people and I even occasionally find a new person who's even linked to MY blog. How cool is that?

  3. I have regulars I read a lot (like you!) and then I look through the lists that these regulars have and start looking around those sites and their comments...it's a vicious circle! But oh so fun!
    I also like to go to blog with really weird names!

  4. I keep track of blogs I want to follow through Google Reader. For finding new blogs... well, I usually don't go searching. I'll click a link on a web forum, or follow commenter links, or follow links on blogs I read. :)

  5. I blog hop through the comments section, but I also get referals a lot through various writerly newsletters and friends. Then there's always the handy dandy little list of favorites that most bloggers have on their page. I've found several I love that way too. Then of course they end up on MY handy dandy little list.

  6. LMAO!

    Hey girlie!

    Anyhow - I use Blogexplosion - and blogclicker - but also look at other visitors of blogs I enjoy.


    Back in action - slowly.

    Lady M

  7. I have a couple of ways. I've got my list of favorite blogs (about 30 of them. Yeah, I'm crazy) and I check them out first. Most of them came from visiting forum boards and clicking on signatures. Then, I've got a couple I found because someone blogged about their blog. (LOL that sounds so funny). Then I have a few I found through comments on my blog and other blogs (like Crabby Cows, Smart Bitches, etc.).
    If someone comments on mine, I check them out and if I really like their blog, I add them to my favorites.

  8. I have RSS notifications set up for the blogs I read most frequently, then like everyone else will check out the blogs of people who leave comments on mine. Sometimes I'll check out blogs of people who comment on other blogs, or I'll hit the "next blog" button on Blogger. I also have a Statcounter.com account set up and often stumble upon interesting blogs by checking out recent activity -- where people come from and such.

  9. Yep. You gotta blog if you want people to blog back. There are some blogs I visit every day. Others are at random.
