Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action

Did any of you watch Fox's new show, On The Lot, the other night? It's basically a chance for unknown film makers to get discovered and end up with a job at Dreamworks.

What I liked about it was the first challenge. They had to pitch a random logline they'd been given a few hours previously to a panel of three judges (Brett Ratner, Garry Marshall and Carrie Fisher). Then the judges decided who stayed and who got cut based on how well they pitched. Sound familiar?

As RWA National Conference approaches, many writers will be pitching agents and editors hoping to get requests for material. Nerves abound during this event, but pitching doesn't need to result in a session with your therapist.

Recently, my fab agent, Elaine Spencer, spoke to my chapter about pitching. She advises you put down the notecards, make eye contact, relax and treat the agent/editor like the person they are. Don't talk at them, talk to them. Start out by asking them how they are. Let small talk be your ice breaker! Be prepared to answer questions about your story - you don't need to spend the entire alloted time pitching! Use a few minutes to give your pitch, but leave the rest of the time for questions and comments. But most important, remember the agent/editor you're talking to is a person, too!

So who's pitching? Are you practicing yet? Are you nervous? Need help with your pitch? If you put your pitch in the comments, I'll let you know what I think.

1 comment:

  1. "On the Lot" sounds a lot like "Project Greenlight."
