Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I freeze, therefore I clean

It's cold here in FL. COLD. Like, 61 degrees last night. I know that doesn't sound cold but you have to realize that when the normal temp is 80-something, a drop like that makes a house on the equator sound like the perfect vacation spot. My blood is so thin it's trying out for America's Next Top Model.

Anyway, apparently that cold snap had some sort of weird effect on me. Reverse spring cleaning. I know, weird. Although probably not catching. I wish I'd taken pics of my office before I started on it because there are now parts of my desktop visible that were last seen when this desk was originally purchased. It's a reverse spring cleaning miracle, I tell ya!

I cleaned out drawers and cabinets, wiped shelves down, rearranged them, threw TONS of crap out (What purpose is there in keeping score sheets from a contest 3 years ago? That MS has been rewritten five times already!), restacked other crap into neater piles, found stuff I didn't know I had/was missing/needed and vacuumed, even though it has a tendency to give me blisters.

Suffice it to say that my office looks freakin' amazing. If this chilliness holds, Hotrod may not recognize the place when he gets home from his business trip. Actually, he may not recognize me if he comes in late and I'm traipsing around the house in my fur coat and mittens.

Do weather changes make you do anything weird?


  1. Maybe it does... I've been on a weird kind of "nesting" phase too. My house is clean AND organized now.

  2. 61 would be a blessing right about now. It's freezing today 39 right now and it was colder this morning. I don't know what's going on. It quickly jumped to winter overnight and I'm mad. I just want to bundle under the cover. No cleaning for me but good for you.

  3. Love the thin blood line. And no I'm just as lazy as ever regardless of where the mercury stands.

  4. Are you sure sitting in my very messy office the other night didn't inspire you to clean yours? An "OMG, look what can happen if I don't get a handle on this NOW" kind of thing?

  5. wish you'd come to my house and clean for me...

  6. Your post gave me inspiration to clean my place, too. :)

  7. This is hilarious. No, weather changes do not weird me out but on someone else's blog who lives in Florida (sorry, the name escapes me) the weather apparently encouraged her to curl up and write beneath the covers. Not a bad thing at all! :-)
    Yes, I'm freezing too because I'm a Floridian and my blood's like yours. Great metaphor, btw.

  8. I'm with Mel. My office needs a good cleaning...

