Friday, December 14, 2007

Diva Withdrawal?

Thanks to our craptastic hosting company screwing up the Romance Diva forum, we're currently without a workable forum while they (we think) try to repair it. Or not. It's pretty hard to tell since their customer service sucks monkey butt.

In the mean time, feel free to catch up on the diva madness, share a brag, get some support - you know, all the diva goodness there is - at our temporary Yahoo group:

Thanks for your patience while we deal with idiots.


  1. Sucking monkey butts is never a good thing. Hope you get your tech woes solved soon.

  2. A hosting company nightmare, and just in time for the holidays! You guys are the luckiest.

  3. Hope the forum is up and running smoothly again soon! I miss it!
