Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I'm Very Friendly

Bebo, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Jacketflap...the list of social networking applications goes on and on. How do you decide which ones to focus on? I confess that Facebook is my most favorite. I resisted it for a while because I just didn't want one more "thing" to take care of, but really it's gotten to be my main one. Plus I'm addicted to some of the game applications.

I still maintain a Myspace page, but that community is so large it overwhelms me. Twitter I haven't signed up for yet. Jacketflap is nice in that it's focused around young adult and children's publishing folks. Bebo I sort of set up and forgot.

How many are you on? What's your favorite?


  1. I'm not on any yet. I've been fighting the Dark side. I'll watch this debate closely.

  2. That's why I haven't started a Facebook account yet. I already have a MySpace.
    ...well also the one more 'thing' to take care of made me sort of resistant. :)

    Plus, my early impression was that I might be too old to participate. Isn't Facebook more for the younger generation? Do they allow decrepit oldies like me to join? :)

  3. I have MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and I'm registered on Technorati.

    I like Facebook, but it overwhelms me. I can't keep up with everything it offers. MySpace doesn't stress me out as much and I enjoy the comments section.

    What the heck is Bebo?

  4. I like MySpace. Facebook overwhelms me with all the applications and I'm afraid to download so much junk (thanks for turning me into a Vampire).

    Twitter I just started and am enjoying and I think it will be more fun as more people sign on. Please come and Twitter with me. I have 40 so far, but I'd love to know what you're up to.

  5. I am so bad about maintaining the accounts I'm on. I've had Facebook for a long time and only have 1 friend on it. LOL

    Who can keep track of everything? Deadlines consume most of my life!

  6. MySpace is enough for me.
    I just can't join anything named "Twitter". LOL

  7. Besides Blogger?
    Oh my--
    Live Journal
    Yahoo 360
    Shelfari/Book Marketing network
    and an unused Technorati

    I think that's enough although Twitter sounds.. tweet.


  8. I have Facebook, Blogger, Shelfari, MySpace and Ravelry (for my knitting). I don't check on any of them everyday, just when I have time or get an email update. That Jacketflap sounds cool, I may have to check that out. Never herd of Bebo...
