Monday, November 02, 2009

You NaNo People Frighten Me

As I've started before, in my mind NaNo and binge drinking both seem like they're a sure fire way to kill of some brain cells. I don't participate, nor do I have any earthly desire to do so. But for those of you who are, enjoy the stress!

In other news, I wrote 2000 words yesterday. That's a monster writing day for me and I'm hoping I can repeat it a few more times. Like today.

What's on your To Do list today?


  1. Lol, I don't get NaNo either. I'd actually never heard of it until last year (yes, I live in a cave). I write a lot every day and my schedule works for me so I'm not gonna screw it up. Congrats on the word count!! :)

  2. LOL! Honestly, I feel the same way about NaNo.

    I don't need anymore stress or anymore bad manuscripts in my life. I have enough of both. LOL!

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Hi Kristen :)
    Thanks for sharing.
    I'm doing NaNo and you wrote more words than me!
    It's my first NaNo - I found out about it via Twitter. I like the virtual kick-in-the-ass it gives me.
    Love & Best Wishes,

  4. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I tried NaNo ONCE. Didn't like it. Won't do it again.

  5. Csn'y fo yhr NaNo either. I don't think that fast. COngrats on your word count:)

  6. This is my first year in the NaNo crazy. I hope I don't come out with a binge drinking problem. But hey you never know.

  7. I agree, NoNo isn't for me either, but it sure does seem to work for some people!

  8. NaNo is only as stressful as you make it. Once you realize you won't be hung by the neck until your last breath escapes your blue lips, it's actually quite fun. Way to rock the word count Kristen.

  9. Go you! That's about my highest day count, too. Hope you have another productive one!

  10. I'm doing NaNo for the first time because as someone else mentioned, I hope it gives me a kick in the ass to write.

    Being a procrastinator, having a deadline to start and stop and daily goals to meet (not to mention buddies trakcing your progress), seems like the thing I need to jump in.

    I can say I hate everything I wrote that first day, but it's more than I've ever written before so that has to count for something. :)

    Hopefully, training myself to write ass-in-chair will be what I get out of NaNo even if my 50k words should never see the light of day.

  11. Dishes, laundry, write, workout, the usual suspects ;)

  12. I'm doing a mini-NaNo - from now until mid-month. I'm hoping to complete a novella and so far, not bad. I don't think I could sustain a whole month of it, though. I like my stress in small doses. Today, my job is powering through some more laundry and I'm already abotu 2000 towels behind.

  13. I have to give up on Nano before I even start this year. Poo.
    Its just not to be.

    But I don't usually have trouble making word count. what I DO have trouble with is quality writing.

  14. Hurray for your 2K! Like I said on my blog, I'm using NaNo as a motivational tool. So far, so good - I've hit my goal two days in a row. We'll see how the rest of the month works out.

  15. 2k would be monster for me too. HUGE congrats!!!
