Thursday, October 08, 2009

Help a writer out

But it's not because I'm cold, it's because my desk chair isn't as comfortable as I'd like. In fact, for a chair that was rated as a "6 hour" chair, it's sadly lacking in comfort.

So. If you have any recommendations for a great desk chair or any sort of alternative, I'm listening. The gang over at RD has given me a few ideas but I'm open to more.

What kind of chair do you have? Do you like it?


  1. This is such a cute picture. Thanks for it. don't have a good desk chair. I can't wait to read what people say.

  2. Maybe if you placed a decorative pillow in the seat, for added cushion? I just have an antique wooden chair at my desk, but the pillow makes it decent. What I lack is arm rests.

    Btw, I'm reading your book. It's such an enjoyable read, Kristen! The pacing is perfect, and I'm really, you know, lovin' Alrik. ;) They've just met her family, and I can't flip the pages (push the Kindle button, actually) fast enough. I very much like it. :)

  3. A few months ago I started having major back pain; it got to the point where I couldn't twist to the left. Like, at all. My husband has chronic back pain and he got an Aeron chair for work, which helped him a ton, so I sucked it up and went to Herman Miller's website. It changed EVERYTHING. I feel a thousand times better now. It was worth the money to me, but it was kind of a lot of money. If you're just looking for comfort, not orthopedics, you probably don't need to spend that much.

  4. I was going to mention the Aeron chairs but Louisa beat me to it. Those ergonomical chairs start off about $900 on eBay but when I was working...what seems like many years ago...all the management staff got one of those chairs and we never had issues with back pain. It was really great. I wanted to take it home with me when I left!

  5. soon I will have my writing office ready and then i too will be chair shopping.

  6. I got something from our local office supply big box store. It has adjustable lumbar support (Saying lumbar makes me giggle. I have no idea why. lumbar. *giggle*)

    But I'm only in that about 4 hours a night, since I have the donut factory chair at work. I have a lumbar (*giggle*) pillow I jab in my lower back to force me to not slouch as much.


  7. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Nothing to offer. My chair has a screw that keeps falling out. My recliner (as a writing spot) gives me awful posture.

    What I do know is that a good desk chair is expensive. CBS Sunday Morning did a segment on desk chairs this past Sunday. Here is a link to the video. (I had to type in the link. For some reason I couldn't copy and paste link. If this typed link doesn't work, go to CSB News Sunday Morning and the link is on the first page)

  8. I don't even know what kind I have. It's old and it sucks so I'm taking note of everyone's answers too :)

  9. You can always sit on your cats.

  10. I use a fantastic chair! It's called "The Recliner". Hubs, boys, and dogs all know to leave me be when I have my laptop, Diet Dr. Pepper, and butt in the recliner!

  11. I'd say I feel your pain, but my buns are numb, too. My chair is a cheap Wally-world version and it's about a year past its prime.

  12. I sucked it up today and bought a Herman Miller Aeron chair. I kept hearing the best things. My "big box" office supply store chair had broken--twice. The recliner downstairs, the easy chair upstairs...all of it killed my tailbone. I'm just beginning to type in this chair and I'm loving it so far! Look around for a showroom near you and sit in one. I sat in both an Aeron and a Mirra before I chose. Good luck!
