Friday, October 23, 2009

I need a longer week

I was woken up by the sound of duct tape this morning. *sigh* I really don't want to go into it, but let's just say that duct tape can be very loud.

I can't believe it's Friday. I have SO much to do. I need a few more weekdays. Of course, if the week were 9 days long, I'd probably still need more time. What I need to do is manage the time I have better. I just suck at it.

Any time management tips for me this Friday? Not that, you know, I'm actually going to use them or anything...


  1. Love that LOLcat!

    Usually it's more weekend days people want. Are you sure you're asking for the right thing? ;)

  2. Me, too, Kristen. I never get everything done that I want to get done. I think I procrastinate too much.

  3. I have a monstrous list to get through today--I'm sure one time management tip would be to get off the intertubes and start actually DOING my chores. But I don't wanna!

  4. Lists! I'm the queen of lists and they always help me get stuff done. Once it's on paper, it's like a sickness. I have to check it off ;)

  5. I wish.
    Lists are kind of helpful though. Good luck!

  6. Eat lots of chocolate.

  7. It's been years since anyone duct taped me to a bed in my sleep...

  8. Lists--they work for me and also shutting down the phone and computer:)
