Wednesday, October 28, 2009

That's Just...Bananas

I'm not much of a ranter - not on my blog anyway - but yesterday, I saw something at the grocery store that almost made me confront the person doing it.

A woman was putting her bananas in a produce bag. That boggles my mind. I don't understand it on any level. Don't bananas come with their own heavy-duty, all purpose packaging? If she puts one of those bananas into someone's lunch box, does she first wrap it plastic wrap?

I do my (small) part to be green, but I'm not fanatical. Yet this act of wastefulness stirred a bit of righteous indignation in me.

Am I missing something? Why would anyone do this? It's not the first time I've seen it either, but yesterday it really pushed my buttons. Under what circumstances would bananas need their own protective produce bag?


  1. I have no clue. I've never seen bananas put in a produce bag. Weird.

  2. That's really funny! I've never seen them put in produce bags either. What a weirdo :)

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    lol, I have seen it before. My mom does it, puts everything ina bag! I don't get it either. It is wasteful, green or not just a waste!

  4. Bananas? Not at all. Leaky, juicy meat? ALWAYS.

  5. It's crazy but yes, I've seen it before. And I love that banana pic. LOL

  6. I'm thinking I have probably done this before.

    But I re-used! I swear!!

  7. LOL I do it all the time!!!!

  8. PS I think because it keeps them from breaking apart and are all together when I get them home:)

  9. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I refuse to address this issue as it might incriminate me. I take the fifth.

  10. That's just bananas.

  11. LOL. Perhaps it was me?

  12. The bananas where I shop already come in their own bag. I will admit, I'm a bit fanatical about meat juices - blech. I bag the meat, and won't let the bagger put any produce into the same bag the meat is in no matter how many layers of plastic are between them.

  13. I bag boxes of cereal, too.

  14. This is just odd.

  15. LMAO! I do this! I bag the bananas with apples and pears. The check out person gets annoyed with me when they have to manually input the codes becuase they can't weigh them separately ;-) I also bag my meats, but mainly becuase I use the "Green" bags and not plastic bags to tote my groceries home. Meat juice on those is just ewwww!
