Monday, November 30, 2009

A slightly different Monday

Hotrod is having his knee scoped today. Not sure how long he'll be out of commission recovery-wise, but I'm sure it will involve me making at least one trip to Steak-n-Shake for medicinal purposes.

In other news, the fabulous Roxanne St. Claire is celebrating a birthday today! If you don't follow her on Twitter, you should. Find her here:

Have a great Monday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Another victim of Too Much Turkey syndrome.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm taking a few days off from blogging to concentrate on writing and spending time with family, so let me take this opportunity to say Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for all my blog readers and wish you a wonderful, safe holiday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Black Friday

I'm over at the Fictionistas today talking about Black Friday. Do you shop on that day or not? Come spill!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday. Do. Not. Want.

I can't believe it's Monday already. I have so much to do! I need today to be twice as long. Or I need to work twice as fast (not so sure that's going to happen.)

There's a hair appt to get to that never happened on Friday as scheduled, a final Thanksgiving grocery store run, many many pages to be written, galleys to be dealt with, etc. etc.

Must get to work! What's on your schedule today?

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Reading books in, making books into a bed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just saying

After this statement by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers about the Harlequin debacle, I will be joining today. I was a little unsure whether I should or not, after all, how many writer's organizations can one person belong to? But they stepped up in a big way and I heartily approve.

This part especially:

SFWA does not believe that changing the name of the imprint, or in some other way attempting to disguise the relationship to Harlequin, changes the intention, and calls on Harlequin to do the right thing by immediately discontinuing this imprint and returning to doing business as an advance and royalty paying publisher.

Genius. Bravo!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm over at the Samhellion!

Come check out my post on the top Viking myths over at the Samhellion today! (That's the Samhain blog, if you weren't sure.)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So I got up at 4 AM

Yep. 4 AM. I threw on some flip flops and a sweatshirt and headed outside. All three cats came with me, because why pass up an opportunity to see what the human is doing at such a strange hour.

They quickly took up all available seating.

I hung out for about half an hour but all I saw were two very faint streaks. There are just too many lights in this area to make for good meteor shower viewing, but there were some pretty bright stars. I thought for sure I'd see more than I did. Kind of a bummer, really.

Did you get up to watch the Leonids last night?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have an addiction

I'm over at the Fictionistas today talking about addictions. Come share yours! (And see what mine is if you haven't figured it out yet.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yep. It's Monday.

The Monday's just don't stop coming, do they? Guess we'll just have to suck it up and accept it.

My week is busy, mostly because it's the last week I'll have this month to myself so I really need to write a serious amount of pages. I don't want to feel guilty about taking time away from the writing when my parents are visiting for Thanksgiving.

I also need to get my hair done. If you saw my roots, you'd agree. Buy a new set of sheets for one of the guest rooms. Make sure the house is clean. And lastly, I need to start a separate bank account for all my writing related stuff. Truth is, I kinda hate leaving the house. I'm not agoraphobic or anything, I just get into a rhythm and disrupting it makes me cranky. So does being hungry, but that's another story for another time.

What's your week look like?

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Going green. Ur doin it wrong.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Best. Contest. Evah.

Let the count-down begin! Rhonda Stapleton's Stupid Cupid releases on December 22nd, just in time for Christmas! She's kicking off her Stupid Cupid book launch contest! Here's what's up for grabs:

--a copy of Stupid Cupid, signed by the author

--a $30 bookstore gift card to the store of your choice

--a $30 iTunes gift card

--a $30 Starbucks gift card

That's a $100 value!

So, what do you have to do to enter this incredible contest? Simple--write Rhonda a horrible love poem. The more purple-prosed and nauseating, the better. Visit her blog for more details and be sure to spread the word! ALL DETAILS AVAILABLE HERE!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have you seen Inkheart?

Besides writing 3000 words yesterday, I watched Inkheart. Have you seen this movie yet? It is kind of a kid's movie, but I've been wanting to see it. I'm glad I did. I love movies that revolve around books. In this movie, the silvertongues have the power to speak books into reality by reading them. Great concept! I must read the books this movie was based on now.

The scenery alone is worth watching for - check out that beautiful house on Italy's Lake Como in the opening shot of the trailer. Also, Brendan Fraiser and Helen Mirren. Enough said. Inkheart is slightly reminiscent of The Princess Bride so if you liked that, you'd probably like Inkheart. Have you seen it? What did you think of it?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dude! I'm on sale!

25% Rebate at All Romance and OmniLit on All Samhain Publishing, Ltd. Titles!

This Thanksgiving Season we're giving something to you.
From November 10-November 24 readers will be receiving a 25% eBook Bucks rebate on all Samhain titles.
What are you waiting for? Hop on over to or and receive bucks back today...on us!

So go buy ALL FIRED UP!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanksgiving Fun

I'm over at Fictionistas today sharing a goofy but fun Thanksgiving game. I dare you not to try it!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Eating Lunch With Christina Dodd Can Be Dangerous...

The writer's retreat I went to this weekend was fabulous and full of wonderful authors (CL Wilson, Karen Rose, Roxanne St. Claire, Lara Santiago, Kathy Carmichael, Julie Leto, Connie Brockway and Christina Dodd, to name a few.) We had a wonderful time and even got some writing done! Grand Central Publishing editor Amy Pierpont was also in the house and gave some great insight into what editors like and dislike when looking at "cold" pages.

The weekend ended with a casual lunch and I don't want to name too many names, but let's just say that if you ever eat lunch next to Christina Dodd, you may get wet. (Although she was generous enough to give me a bite of her pea salad.) Watching her and Connie Brockway go back and forth was quite a treat. They should have their own show. So long as Connie didn't nap instead. ;o)

TARA is a great chapter. If you ever get the chance to attend their retreat, take it!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Caturday! Sort of.

This lizard comes to the bird feeder outside my office window almost every day to indulge in some seeds. He's quite attractive for a lizard. I'm partial to that shade of green, I guess. Anyway, the cats enjoy his visits although he pretends not to notice their slobbering.

Friday, November 06, 2009

One Of My Favorite Things

I'm off to a writer's retreat put on by one of my chapters, the Tampa Area Romance Authors (TARA). I've been before and I already know it's going to be awesome. TARA is a great chapter and I'm happy to be a part of it.

Have a great weekend and get some writing done! You know I will. I'm on a roll and I want to keep cranking those pages out.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

All Up In My Grill

I have to go to the worst place on earth today. The dentist. I'm due for a cleaning. And also they're sorely behind on yelling at me for not flossing enough. Good times. *sigh* After the amount of work I've had done on my teeth (palate expansion, braces, permanent retainers) spending more time in the dentist's chair is so not on my list of things I'm dying to do.

Would it be wrong to wear my fang caps? At least I could amuse myself... I plan on treating myself to a pedicure afterwards. I think that's only fair.

What are you up to today?

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Vrrrroooom, Vrrrrooooom!

I'm currently writing Flesh And Blood, book 2 of my urban fantasy series that's coming out from Orbit in the summer of 2011. In this book, I'm introducing an awesome new character, Thomas Red Creek. And in my mind, this is his bike. A crazy cool V-Rod with the ability to blend into a dark night or a lonely stretch of asphalt. I can just picture him standing next to it, hair blowing in the warm evening breeze of Paradise City...

What does your hero drive and how does it match his personality?

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Quit Poken Me. Or Don't, Actually...

I'm over at Fictionistas today talking about the hottest new gadget to hit the social networking scene.

Come check it out!

Monday, November 02, 2009

You NaNo People Frighten Me

As I've started before, in my mind NaNo and binge drinking both seem like they're a sure fire way to kill of some brain cells. I don't participate, nor do I have any earthly desire to do so. But for those of you who are, enjoy the stress!

In other news, I wrote 2000 words yesterday. That's a monster writing day for me and I'm hoping I can repeat it a few more times. Like today.

What's on your To Do list today?