Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm home from my trip to Maryland to visit family, but I came home with a lovely head cold. Seems like every time I fly, I get sick. Ugh.

I do not have, as Hotrod likes to call it, the R2D2 virus. I'm just stuffed up and feeling icky.

The upside of that is I'll be working from bed today.

Have a great day and stay healthy!


  1. You should really think about a private jet. it would save you this sick time. Its the Obvious choice.

  2. I just got home from Boston and now I'm sick. Sore throat kept me up all night and now I'm sneezing.
    Dang recycled airplane air. :(

  3. Oh, the ickies are no good! Hope it's a quick recovery. We've got some yucks here, too, and I'm hoping it doesn't turn worse (but bracing in case it does).

    Welcome home!

  4. Oh, feel better! Take care of yourself and drink lots of fluids. Nurse Maria says so. By the way, I got the R2D2 vaccine yesterday. Sniffed that puppy right up my nose!

  5. Oh been there lived that last week so take care of you! Lots of rest and liquids. :)

  6. Glad you're home safe and I hope you feel better soon. :-)

  7. So sorry about the cold. Glad you don't have that robot thingy though. Get well soon.

  8. Welcome back! Sorry to hear you're sick, though. Good thing it's not that R2D2 thing. (Thanks Hotrod for the morning grin.) Feel better soon. =o)
