Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh great, it's Monday again.

I've got a cold. The sniffling, sneezing, running nose kind. Fortunately, no sore throat or aches or fever, but it's still bothersome, because much as I'd like to lay in bed, I can't.

I have work to do. Edits to finish. A short to write. Emails to be answered and sent. Blah, blah, blah.

Off to medicate. What are you doing today?


  1. Oh, sorry for you. Get lots of rest, reading helps ;) I'm off to a bloggalicious start today and hope to nail 4k in my wip. Sounds good anyway.

  2. The housekeepers are here! Yippee! I'm writing while they're working. Could life get any better?

  3. ugh - I'm fighting a cold right now. Dosing up on the Zicam, trying to kick it before it gets bad.

  4. Oh, Kristen! You seem to be dealing with the cruddies a lot lately. I hope you feel better!

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Good for Leigh. I have the worst housekeeper in the world. She's lazy, and sloppy's me.

    today...I need to be writing. Sat up WAY too late last night reading.

  6. Take care of yourself - don't overdo it! I am such a mother...

    I'm in revision land. Revisions, revisions, revisions. Luckily enough, it's going pretty good. :)

  7. Fixin' to write. *crossing fingers that it'll flow*

    I'm sorry you don't feel well. :-( Take care.

  8. I wish I could say I was doing what Leigh was doing:)

  9. Oh, and sorry about the cold. Take care of yourself!

  10. Trying desperately to catch up on my blog reading.

  11. I feel ya! Just got over a nasty cold. Hope you're up and feeling better soon :)

  12. I hope your cold gets better quick.
