Friday, January 08, 2010

The Trouble With Reading

I didn't make my goal of reading 50 books last year, but I've realized that for me a heavy writing schedule and reading for pleasure don't mix very well.

I wish that weren't the case, but when my characters are so much in my head I have a hard time concentrating (or wanting to concentrate) on one else's characters.

So far this year, I've read one book and am almost done with another, but then I'm just doing edits right now. Even then I tend to shy away from the genre I'm writing in and pick something completely different like historical.

How about you? Can you read while you're writing?


  1. Yes, sometimes... I usually CAN'T read if I'm really in the zone with my wip, but if I'm plotting or just thinking bewteen chapters, I will pick up a book at night.
    Sometimes if I'm writing my black moment, I'll pick up a sad book to get me in the mood, though. :)

  2. I almost never read in the same genre when I'm writing, but I always have a book going. Much as I'd love to curl up on a chair with a cup of coffee and a good book, I tend to read in small snatches of time--ten minutes here and ten minutes there.

  3. Like you, I can be knee-deep in both. I bounce back and forth, and usually one bleeds into the other. I've been doing a lot of superficial thinking about my writing lately, which has allowed me to read more. And the book I just finished last night put me in the spot leading back to my WIP. I guess it all works out.

  4. I usually read on the treadmill, sometimes just a magazine, sometimes a book.

    Depends on what I'm in the mood for. I'm going to try this year, to read more non-romance fiction. I just really like that HEA!

  5. It depends on what I'm writing and how deep into the story I am. This WIP, I can't seem to want to read anything else. It's a trade off. I haven't read anything for pleasure in weeks, but my book feels like it's going to be awesome.

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I read while I write. I find that I analyze the books now.

  7. I carry a book with me in my purse and my writing bag. I read while waiting in line, sitting in a waiting room, wating in a sitting room...

    Then again, I also write while waiting ;-) Guess it depends on where my muse is at that time.

  8. I find it very hard to read and write. Something has to give. It's all very influential for me too which is why I read so many historicals outside of my genre to not have the influence.

  9. I read while I'm writing but not in the genre I'm writing. Though technically, I usually just read when I'm in the edits stage of something. When I'm deep in a story, I don't have time to read :)

  10. I can only read when I am editing my own MS. I usually try to edit during the winter months so I can hibernate under a warm blanket, edit and read a few.

  11. I can only read at night before bed...only time I really have and it helps me fall out my eyes I guess! LOL! Plus, if my brain is relling from something else, it gives me something else to focus on so i can relax and then fall asleep.

    I only read 16 books last goal for this year is 30...hoping my new Sony Reader Pocket will make that goal easier to attain!
