Monday, April 05, 2010

A Very Focused Monday

I have three goals today:

1. Meet with landscapers to discuss refurbishing this whole mess of a yard.
2. Workout until I want to cry.
3. Write a massive amount of pages.

Simple. To the point. Perfect for Monday.

What are you up to this fine day?


  1. Number 3. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. And once you've accomplished all that, think how great the rest of your week will look. Cake!

  3. Is that really the design? Schwaaaaa, that's gorgeous.

  4. Eva, that's not our plan, just one I threw up there to decorate the blog. Our pool isn't that far away from the house!

  5. Write and work out, though, just not until I cry :)

  6. Ugh - sadly writing is down the list a bit after work, working out, grocery shopping, and paying bills. I'll be lucky if I can sneak in an hour.

  7. You were much more focused than I was. I meant to get some work done, but I think all I ended up doing was watching TV.
