Put your writerly thinking caps on and try your hand at these little exercises!
Choose A New Word:
1. Flat as a ___________________
2. Hard as a _________________
3. Nutty as a __________________
4. Soft as a __________________
5. Lazy as a _________________
Reinvent The Phrase:
1. All that glitters is not gold
2. Thorn in your side
3. Throw the baby out with the bathwater
4. Cry like a baby
5. Barking up the wrong tree
I'll be sure to tell you which one I like best or I think is most inventive.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Writing Exercises
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Girding My Loins

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Young Adult
As y'all know, I'm working on my first Young Adult (YA) book. I'm excited about it, but then I get excited about pretty much every book I write (with the rare exception of the book I wrote solely to pitch to Nocturne - ugh, total slog.) Before I started writing, however, I prepped myself by reading a slew of YA titles - stuff that was considered "hot" and best-sellers. I found some I loved, some that were just sort of "meh" and some that shocked me (language, topics, explicitness I didn't expect.)
Now, I find that YA's are a regular part of my reading diet. The next two on my TBR pile are Scott Westerfeld's Peeps and Gena Showalter's Oh My Goth. I almost enjoy them more than books from the romance genre, probably because I know I'm not going to get in-your-face sex and R rated language as a rule. Beyond that, the storytelling is SO good. Innovative, fresh, imaginative. Things I think have gotten a bit lost in the romance genre. Don't get me wrong, I love the romance genre. It's just nice to have a palate cleanser once in a while and YA fits that bill perfectly.
Have you tried YA? If not, why not? If you read YA, what are some of your favorites? I'd love to hear what you think.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Four jobs I've had or currently have in my life:
1. Maitre D'
2. English Teacher
3. Personal Trainer
4. Runway model
Four countries I've been to:
1. Germany
2. Africa
3. Spain
4. Great Britain
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. In bed.
2. In the pool.
3. At the spa.
4. In Hawaii in bed, in the pool or at the spa.
Four foods I like to eat:
1. Pasta
2. Bread
3. Cake
4. Kitten toes
Four personal heroes, past or present:
1. My grandma
2. My parents
3. Hotrod
4. My brother
Four books you've read or are currently reading:
1. She's No Angel by Leslie Kelly
2. Lover Eternal by JR Ward
3. Lover Awakened by JR Ward
4. The lover book after that. Can't remember the name.
Four words or phrases you would like to see used more often:
1. "We'd like to offer you a contract on..."
2. "I just bought it for you because."
3. "You look hot in pajama pants, a tank top, hair up and no makeup."
4. "Why don't I make dinner?"
Four reasons for ending a friendship:
1. Betrayal
2. Lies
3. I honestly can't think of any others that don't fall under those two categories.
Four smells that make you feel good about the world:
1. Freshly-mown grass
2. Bread or cookies baking
3. The smell of a bookstore
4. Kitty fur
My question: Four cosmetics you wouldn't want to be without:
1. Concealer
2. Mascara
3. Bronzer
4. Tinted lipgloss
I tag Lara Santiago, BE Sanderson, Sara Thacker and Louisa Edwards. Get on it!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Home and Thanks!
So in the last week and a half, Hotrod and I have made the equivilent of two trips to Atlanta and back in the car. Road trips are great in theory, but they wear me out. I feel tore up from the floor up. However, I have now read the entire JR Ward series. They're pretty good. Very Kenyon-esque for me.
Still, I've got to get back in some sort of routine that includes exercise and writing. Today is a new day! And all that. What's your writing schedule like?
Thanks to all those who got their daughters to answer questions for me!!! That was awesome!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Talk Amongst Yourselves
I'm off on an extended beach weekend with some ladyfriends - try to behave while I'm gone, would you? (By the way, I'm about 300 pages into the second JR Ward book and plan to finish the rest of the series - which I bought yesterday - while I'm on my va-cay.)
If you have teenage daughters, would you mind doing a little research for me? I'd like to know what they worry about the most while at school and what secret/super power they'd most like to have. Cool? Cool. Thanks.
Okay, gotta run. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Oops, I Did It Again
Um...I now have one less book on my TBR pile. Needless to say, I didn't get much writing done yesterday. See, I spent most of the day reading. Starting right after I got home from boxing class and grocery shopping.
I'm a bad, bad writer. But there is such pure pleasure to be had in losing oneself in story well-told. And Dark Lover is a story well-told. I admit it, I'm hooked. Yes, there were some bits I stumbled over (the hero is so blind he needs his meat cut up for him, but he has no problem telling that the heroine is wearing a lace bra...) I'm sure I'll find myself in a book store at some point tomorrow, buying the rest of this series.
Still, great writing - great storytelling - inspires the creative mind. Renews it. So basically, I was working...
Hush. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I Couldn't Wait
I was supposed to be saving this book for an upcoming beach getaway, but I'd heard so much good buzz about it, I took it with me on our trip to Hotrod's cousin's wedding.
On our drive up, I decided to pull it out and read the first few pages while Hotrod was talking on his crackberry. Many pages later, I had no desire to put it down. I didn't expect it to be funny! The Leopard Prince has to be one of the most entertaining books I've read this year. I finished it on the drive home. Delish!
I hope to pick up the first book, The Raven Prince, in this series next time I'm at the bookstore. (The third, The Serpent Prince, comes on out on Sept. 1st, I believe.)
Last night, after we got home and collapsed from the exhausting 8 hour drive (which included an hour of sitting in traffic backed up by a jack-knifed 18-wheeler), I started JR Ward's Dark Lover. Yes, I know I'm waaaaaaaay behind the curve on reading this series, but I'm not a big vamp fan. I'm still reserving judgement on this first book, but I'm only a few pages in.
Anyway, The Leopard Prince is a great read! If you like historicals (or even if they're not your usual go-to genre), give this one a try.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Goin' To The Chapel...
We're off to a family (Hotrod's family, not mine) wedding in Alpharetta, GA today. The last wedding I went to was the impetus for me to start this new weight loss/exercise journey I've been on. Wonder what this one will bring?
Here's to finding the right person to spend the rest of your life with! Blah, blah, blah...lol
Happy weekend, y'all!
Friday, August 17, 2007
A Third Party Candidate Emerges

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Stranger Than Fiction
Yes, I know I'm little behind on movie watching but I finally saw Stranger Than Fiction. (Thanks to Lara Santiago and her awesome DVD collection. And her willingness to share.)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Yes, I'm a white girl
I may be Sicilian, Northern Italian and a little Greek, but my English and German genes were in full swing last night. Or not in full swing, as the case may be.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Guilty Pleasures

Monday, August 13, 2007
Whatcha Reading? Whatcha Watching?
I just finished two fun, but very different books: The Break-Up Bible by Melissa Kantor (YA) and Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen (Popular Fiction - I don't know how else to describe this).
What are you reading or getting ready to read?
Lara Santiago and I watched a golden oldie yesterday - The Court Jester with Danny Kaye and a verra young Angela Lansbury. It's such a funny movie! I'm also in the middle of watching The Glass Bottom Boat with Doris Day. I love old movies!
Seen anything good lately? Looking forward to seeing something soon?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Airtran Sucks
It's something else all right, it's a giant pain in my backside.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I'm Leavin'...On A Jet Plane...
I'm off to Maryland with Hotrod on a business trip. After his meeting, we're driving down to the beach to see the 'rents (my dad's birthday is coming up) and my bro and his wife and their remarkably adorable offspring. I'll think of you all while I'm chowing down on hot, spicy, steamed crabs! Mmmm...crabs....

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Hispanic and Other Foreign Languages

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Cats & Cake
Eva requested more cats, so more cats it is. I am proud to say that I've made my first lolcat! And I've also finally figured out what my cat, Sam, is trying to say to me. I have critique partners for that, thank you very much. Brat.Here's the four-layer chocolate banana cake I made for our recent family gathering. I so love chocolate ganache! It's dark and decadent and delicious. Mmmm... Anyway, I also love making cakes and I was pretty happy with the way this one turned out.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Bad Blogger
I've been a bad blogger thanks to visting family. That all changes tomorrow afternoon, however...then the blogging shall commence anew!
And I shall bring you cake.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
If you haven't hear of lolcats yet, get thee to http://icanhascheezburger.com/ immediately. It's so freakin' funny!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Well, I'm not so much mad as I am disappointed. See, lately, my online shopping exploits (and how often do you get to use the word exploits, I ask you?) haven't been going so well.
First of all, I ordered a delicious pair of coarse gold Jimmy Choo flats. The minute they arrived, I slid them out of their delicate lavender-pink box and tried them on. That's when the choir of angels went oddly silent. If I didn't have toes, they would have fit like a dream. As luck would I have, I do have toes. I packaged them back up to be returned as pieces of my little fashionista heart crumbled away.
Then today, the sparkly leopard sweater arrives. You remember it, right? It was all leopardy and sequined and had rhinestone buttons. Completely over the top in a very me kind of way. Until it arrived. In pictures, so decadent and scrumptious. In person, more Long Island grandma does Vegas on a bus tour. Um...no.
I guess I'll have to wait until I go to visit my mom next week to really get my shop on. Mom and I know how to make the cash registers sing. Who's your favorite shopping companion?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Would You Buy This Book?
I was fooling around the other day (when I should have been writing) and I made this mock cover of my WIP, Bad Seed. I know, I know, procrastination, thy name is Kristen. But I figured, since I made it, I'll see what y'all thought.
Would this cover get you to take a closer look? Would it intrigue you? This is a YA now, so keep that in mind. What are your first impressions of the book based on this cover?
Do you ever make mock covers for your stuff?
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Woohoo! And Some Contest Info
*First of all, as of today, I am officially down 20 pounds!!! Can I get woohoo? Thx!
*The second important bit of news you need is that the Launching A Star contest is now taking entries. This is a great contest because the finalling entries will be judged by both an editor and an agent! Seriously! Here's the 411:
***Permission to Forward Given and Encouraged***
The 2007 Launching A STAR Contest has been re-vamped and we know you'll love the changes! Entries in this year's contest will submit the First Chapter, with no synopsis. Two industry professionals (one agent and one editor) will judge each category in the final round. All first round judges (2 per entry, one trained, one published in romance) will provide constructive comments on every entry. And we've added a new category, Erotic Romance. So, sharpen up your pencils or warm up your printer and plan to enter the 2007 Launching A STAR Contest!
Launching a STAR 2007
Sponsor: SpacecoasT Authors of Romance Chapter (STAR)
Fee: $25-$30, SASE
Deadline: Post-marked by October 1st, Received by October 8th, 2007
Eligibility: Unpublished or not published by RWA-recognized publisher in book length fiction within 5 years
Enter: First Chapter (up to 25 pages).
First round judges: One trained; one published.
Categories/Final round judges:
Series Contemporary: editor Susan Litman, HQ and agent Elaine English
Single Title Contemporary: editor Erin Galloway, Dorchester and agent Michelle Grajkowski
Historical: editor Keyren Gerlach, HQN and agent Elizabeth Pomada,
Paranormal: editor Heather Osborne, TOR and agent Laurie McLean
Erotic Romance: editor Angela James, Samhaim and agent Roberta Brown
Young Adult: editor Kate Seaver, Berkley/Jove and agent Elaine Spencer
Top Prize: A star named in your honor! FMI, entry form, and rules, <www.authorsofromance.com> or contact Lee Duncan, contest coordinator at leeduncan (at) bellsouth (dot) net