Friday, March 21, 2008

Writing Day

Today I'm going to focus wholeheartedly on something that too often gets short shrift in my ordinary day: writing. I've already vacuumed and worked out, so there really are few other chores that can distract me.

I'm going to post this blog, deal with email, then I'm off to write. Well, I'm editing, but it's the same idea. I've got a drink on my desk, there's a nice breeze coming through the open window and I'm full of purpose. Sounds good, huh? Let's hope it's a very productive day. Have a great writing day yourself!


  1. Yay! Happy writing! I've been on fire the last couple of days. I hope I can keep up the momentum.


  2. I hope you have a great writing day. Kids are home so I'll have to squeeze it in where I can. Let us know how it goes.

  3. Yay! Write up a storm, honey.

  4. Good for you. I'm writing, too, but it's my sermon for Sunday morning. LOL! Maybe I can get back to my WIP next week.

  5. That's fantastic that you're writing! I am going to do that all next week!

  6. Go get that writing done. I hope I can do the same today, because well I feel like I'm wasting time. Who knows?

  7. Hi,

    Good luck, and get that editing done.

    I need to revise too, but I'm taking a short break for the weekend then I'll go right back at it again.


  8. Thanks for the productive weekend! Happy Easter! See you soon for another writing girl's weekend!

  9. Here's hoping you accomplished a lot.

  10. I hope you had some good writing. I haven't written word one in a while. Best get back to it. (the why of that is up on my blog. Snort)
