Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Are you an innie or an outie?

Hey gang, I'm chatting over at Fictionistas today about internal and external pressure - come tell me what you think!

And on another note, I made it to the top of 8 pages yesterday - a healthy start toward my week's goal of writing 45 in total. Here's to another fab writing day! How many did you write yesterday?


  1. Page count for me 0. But yay for you!! Wonderful start for your week! Keep it up!!

  2. Hi Kristen! I'm trailing at 4 pages. The Olympics are distracting me! Great job on such a healthy start. By the way, your blogs on RWA were great. It gives something to look forward to when I get to go next year! ~Sissi

  3. Good job! I'm not writing new words right now. I went back to an old manuscript that I got too busy to edit last year. Now I'm taking the time. =o)
