Saturday, January 30, 2010

Caturday! Sort of.

Well, there was a cat here.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Itty Bitty Chewing Committee

Less than happy with the way you fill out a sweater? Well, fret no longer my flat-chested friends, the Japanese have a product that will solve all your problems.

Introducing Bust Up Gum! Just chew and expand. Apparently.

Of course, if gum isn't your thing, perhaps you'd prefer these delightful treats. Yes, that's right. F-Cup Cookies. I bet the Girl Scouts aren't selling those.

Ah, those crazy Japanese. They never disappoint, do they?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reality check

A woman in Ohio won $8000 in the lottery, only to be hit and killed by a car as she left the bar where she'd been celebrating.

Really gives you pause, hmm?

What would you do differently today if it was your last? I know what I wouldn't be doing - folding laundry. Ugh. Why is there so much laundry in my life?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What's up with your hair?

Hair is an accessory, at least for women. Many of us wear it long, but some of us opt for the wash-n-go style. We color it, tease it, highlight it, spray it into place, tie it back, tie it up, let it loose, perm it, curl it, twist it, braid it...some of us even use wigs and hairpieces.

What about you? What's going on with your hair? Does it suit you? have you had the same style since high school? Do you have a secret hairstyle you'd love to try but are just too chicken to?

I have two - short platinum blonde and a bob. Will I ever try them? Maybe, but probably not anytime soon.

What about your heroines? Do they express your secret hair fantasies? What kind of hair do they have?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More of the same

I'm over at the Fictionistas today talking about my new cats. Again. Deal.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's official. We are the crazy cat people.

We now have two new additions to our family.

Meet 7 month old Jack, the most lovable, rambunctious orange menace ever to prowl a house.) He's already cleared half the stuff off my desk with one jump and this morning decided that the cursor on the screen must be killed. Oh Jack, you are too much!

And 6 month old Finnegan. Finn is a wee thing, barely 3 pounds if I had to guess. He's had a bad start in life and only has one eye, but boy, is he affectionate! He has decided Hotrod is the best cat bed ever and laid on his lap during the entire Viking/Saints game. That wasn't enough bonding time, however, so Finn then slept at Hotrod's feet all night, occasionally drifting into the space between us to be petted.
Ah, life is good.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


What "want" looks like.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Icky Friday

It's raining and windy and apparently a tornado just passed by us. So, you know, fun day here. We lost power once this morning and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again.

I've got a busy weekend ahead - our niece is coming for a visit tonight, then I've got a chapter meeting tomorrow, church on Sunday and writing to squeeze into the cracks. What's up with you this weekend?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good news!

I'm going to have a free read available for you all very soon! It will be part of the free reads Samhain is doing for Valentine's Day. It features the same characters as my Samhain paranormal romance, All Fired Up, so if you've read that book, you'll get a fun peek at Alrik and Calleigh again. If you haven't read All Fired Up, this will give you a glimpse of what you've missed!

I'll keep you posted when it's live. In the mean time, you can check out some other free reads from Samhain here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ever have one of those days when you're stuck for an idea? Or none of your ideas seem to be enough to come up with an actual story? Maybe you have a character, but you don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it? All you need is the handy dandy plot generator!

Try it out here. What did you come up with?

Now let's go write!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

100 Questions - The Kitteh Edition

I just answered 100 questions about myself. Go see for yourself.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A little something to start you dreaming...

Writers, most writers anyway, dream about retreats in magical places where they can do nothing but write and soak up inspirational atmosphere while surrounded by other writers (in my dream it's always writer friends I already know).

Here's a little something to perpetuate that dream. (Courtesy of fellow Fictionista, Chrissy.)

Happy Monday!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Cat out of the bag. Literally.

Friday, January 15, 2010


There's been a little too much hammer time at my house recently, and I don't mean the dancing, diaper-pants kind.

See, the leak in our roof is being repaired. Which is great. I'm happy it's being fixed.

The noise level of the repair? Less happy. And today the demo guy is coming to rip out all the drywall that got ruined. Can't. Wait.

Really, it's a wonder I've gotten any writing done at all. Maybe this weekend will be better. What are your plans for the weekend?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Work Day

Seriously, today is a work day. I need to concentrate on finishing up the two projects on my desk. No fooling around online, no goofing off in the house, no anything else but work.

It's really hard to get back in the groove after the holidays, but I have to. I have another book to write! And then there's that YA proposal I'm working on! And who knows what else!

What do you do to get yourself back in the groove?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My gift to you

This free ebook was sent to me by my good friend Eva Gale and I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to share it with all of you. Take a moment and skim through it.

What Matters Now
- free ebook

And now, for another ebook released by my partner in crime at Romance Divas, Jax Cassidy. Check out Brush Strokes here.

Lastly, I hope to have a free read of my own available for all of you shortly!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why you shouln't text while driving.

If you text while you drive, please check out the video I posted on Fictionistas today. I bet you'll think twice next time you take your hand off the wheel to pick up your phone.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh great, it's Monday again.

I've got a cold. The sniffling, sneezing, running nose kind. Fortunately, no sore throat or aches or fever, but it's still bothersome, because much as I'd like to lay in bed, I can't.

I have work to do. Edits to finish. A short to write. Emails to be answered and sent. Blah, blah, blah.

Off to medicate. What are you doing today?

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Laser cat! Now available for immediate shipment!

Friday, January 08, 2010

The Trouble With Reading

I didn't make my goal of reading 50 books last year, but I've realized that for me a heavy writing schedule and reading for pleasure don't mix very well.

I wish that weren't the case, but when my characters are so much in my head I have a hard time concentrating (or wanting to concentrate) on one else's characters.

So far this year, I've read one book and am almost done with another, but then I'm just doing edits right now. Even then I tend to shy away from the genre I'm writing in and pick something completely different like historical.

How about you? Can you read while you're writing?

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Random Things

1. Today is my agent's birthday! You can wish her a happy birthday on Twitter at @elainespencer

2. Got comments back from one beta reader. Book Two does not suck as much as I'd thought.

3. Am working on V-Day freebie for Samhain. Will involve the further adventures of Alrik and Calleigh from ALL FIRED UP. In theory.

4. Spa was THE BEST. I wish I could get a doctor to prescribe monthly visits.

5. Stop by Louisa Edward's blog and ask her if her book is done. She'll enjoy that. Promise.

What are you up to today? I have edits to finish on one book and edits to start on another. Busy busy!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Don't hate me...

But I'm headed to the spa today. (Thanks for the gift certificate, Hotrod!) And that's the actual spa I'm going to. It's fab. I've been there before and it's my favoritest spa I think I've ever been to. And not just because it's five minutes from my house.

I'm hoping as part of the massage, they can work on the right side of my neck and upper back and my right arm and wrist. Those are the spots that suffer most from long hours at the computer.

Other than that, I hope to come home relaxed and full of spa goodness. I plan to go early and sit in the steam room and defrost. lol

When's the last time you treated yourself to some pampering?

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ereaders and questions

I'm over at Fictionistas today talking about ereaders and ebooks and looking for opinions! Come chat!

Don't worry about Amish kitteh. She's got too many chores to do to disapprove for long.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Wow. It's Monday.

The cookies have been eaten, the fun and games are over, Christmas is behind us and it's a new year, full of new obligations (and some old ones). Time to get back to work. I have tons on my To Do list today, including emails to be sent, errands to be run, some sort of workout to be done, pages to be edited, and goals to be written. Goals are SUPER important to me. Having no real plan for the year could be disastrous.

What's on your list today? Have you already started back to work or are you still on vacation?

My New Addiction

I'm not always that good at brainy games, that Olympics of the Mind kind of stuff, but this game? This game has me hooked. It's such a nice break from writing, maybe because it uses a different part of your brain? I'm not sure. But it's free and I love working out the problems and building the machines.

I dare you to try it. If you do, tell me what you think?

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Caturday - New Year's Edition

No, I'm not hungover, why do you ask?

Friday, January 01, 2010