Thursday, March 16, 2006

Breaking Industry News

Literary agent, Elaine English, has left the literary agency of Graybill & English and set up her own company. She can now be reached at Elaine English Literary, 4710 41st Street, NW, Suite D, Washington, DC 20016.Telephone: (202) 362-5190.


  1. I came across something about this yesterday and thought "no way!". She'd been with them for so long!

  2. Okay, this is a bit of an exaggeration.

    She's "leaving" because Graybill is retiring. There is no more Graybill and English. Just English.

    (Got this straight from Elaine, by the way, at the last Maryland Romance Writers meeting.)

  3. Diana - I just reposted what I got from an RWA loop. Thanks for the real deal.

  4. If Graybill is retiring and English left, what will happen to Graybill & English?

  5. See what happens when you have deadlines and can't make it to your favorite blogs? A lot! Wow, I didn't know about Elaine English.

    I loved the "This is not a post" Post. LOL!

    And I adore Thompson's Wulf series.

    See, I just can't afford not to make a stop at your blog.

  6. Thanks for posting this, Kristen. I missed this one. I'm on special notices on that loop so I appreciate the news.

